Camille Allan

Reference Committee Member

Camille moved from Peru to Switzerland in 2020, and has been a member of A Rocha Peru’s Reference Committee since July 2022. Prior to that, Camille was a Director on A Rocha Peru’s Board of Directors (2019 to 2022), and a member of the A Rocha Peru team as Executive Director (2014 to 2018) and Communications and Development Officer (2012 to 2013).  Camille has a Bachelors in Politics and Economics and a Masters in Development Studies from the University of Manchester and Institute for Development Policy and Management, UK; and has a teacher training qualification from the University of Nottingham, UK. She has over 20 years of experience working within the non-profit sector, in the areas of project management, team leadership, governance, communications, fundraising, volunteer recruitment and administration. Currently, Camille works for A Rocha International (ARI) as a member of their Operational Support team, and also provides support to the A Rocha Worldwide Family in the area of Environmental Education.


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