A Rocha Peru, was inspired to participate in the #PlasticFreeFebruary campaign – an initiative to eliminate single-use plastics for the month of February. Around the world, A Rocha groups joined this month-long challenge to reduce or eliminate the use of plastic, while cleaning up the plastic pollution that already exists. A Rocha India led a successful clean-up drive where volunteers collected bags of dry plastic waste. Members from A Rocha France and A Rocha Canada joined the campaign by trying to cut out single-use plastics that were connected to their food consumption. A Rocha Switzerland and Netherlands sent out weekly challenges and top tips. In Nigeria, Eden Creation Care Initiative held a month with a recycling project with school kids.
Throughout February, A Rocha Peru contributed to the campaign by sharing informative content, and offering practical tips to encourage individuals to reduce their plastic consumption. Now, as March fades into April, we stand at the dawn of a new season, ready to extend our commitment beyond the confines of a single month.

Plastic pollution stands as an ongoing environmental challenge, with microplastics posing threats to ecosystems and human well-being on a global scale. Microplastics are the material left behind when plastics decompose. As scientific studies continue to reveal the widespread presence of microplastics in our bodies, the urgency to address this issue becomes increasingly evident.
While #FreePlasticFebruary has formally concluded, our dedication to reducing plastic pollution remains unwavering. By fostering ongoing awareness and collective action, we aim to make a lasting impact in mitigating plastic pollution. As stewards of our planet, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to preserving the health of our environment and communities, ensuring a cleaner, healthier future for generations to come.
Be sure to check out our Plastics Toolbox for more information and resources.