Our Inglesa Verde project continues to grow in 2022 with a second mini-project implemented in the Evangelical Presbyterian and Reformed Church in Peru (IEPRP) called Fuente de Vida in Chiclayo. The Jardín de Alegría mini-project was implemented with the collaboration of Pastor Mateo Galuk, and members of the church, such as sisters; Hanna, Rosario, Soledad, Yaqueline, Cheila, and Julifer. Workshops were held to develop the mini-project with the children of the neighborhood and the church. Workshops were also conducted in Los Jardines de Santa Rosa and Los Niños de Jesús institutions educating students about the problems they have in the locality. Topics for the workshops included water care, composting, and recycling. Additionally, there were practical activities such as planting geraniums, cleaning and weeding the gardens, putting up a fence and painting a mural that motivates the community to take care of creation.

Three clean-up campaigns were also carried out with the participation of members of the church and the neighborhood community in the gardens of Santa Rosa and the surrounding area. Also, at the end of June, the Jardín de Alegría mini-project had a closing party in which diplomas were given in recognition of the participation and commitment of the children in the development of the mini-project. It was a great success!