Equipping locals to grow green

Community monitoring visit with the Micaela Bastidas community kitchen beneficiaries, April 2023

Cañoncillo Private Conservation Area is one of the only natural reserves remaining in La Libertad, a province in northwestern Peru.  La Libertad Dry Forest Project mobilizes locals who live around Cañoncillo to plant trees for reforestation and monitor the trees as they grow.   During their monitoring visits, residents are transferred to the reforested areas to check the health and growth of the trees and that they are being looked after properly.  Last year, the project made four community monitoring visits with thirty-six locals to various areas. We carried out one community monitoring visit to the Laguna el Muerto Forest in Pacasmayo with the locals from the Micaela Bastidas de San Demetrio community kitchen. During this activity, the people were able to identify the species planted.                          

We also visited the Cañoncillo Private Conservation Area with the students from the National University of Trujillo-Guadalupe Branch. The purpose of this trip was to introduce students to intervention areas and explain the methodology used in the Algarrobo tree regeneration monitoring.  Two more monitoring visits were carried out in reforested areas on private property, including a visit to Espino, Corales, and La Yuca forests and one visit with some students of Tecapa High School to our planting areas in Pueblo Nuevo, Portada de la Sierra, and Santonte.  Equipping locals with the tools and knowledge they need to monitor reforested areas and preserve the dry forests, they become part of the solution and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Community Monitoring visit to reforested areas, July 2023
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